When an individual is suffering from chemical dependency, every part of them breaks down, including their physical health. Chemical dependency quickly disrupts the brain’s natural chemistry and upsets the harmony between one’s body and mind. California Palms offers comprehensive body-centered wellness therapy in an effort to address the significant physical damage caused by substance abuse and to make patients aware of the connection between the mind and body in the healing process.

Mental, Physical and Spiritual Relief

Body-centered wellness incorporates a variety of physically healing activities to help patients manage their withdrawal symptoms and gain heightened awareness of the mind-body connection. Patients commonly adopt the tenets of body-centered wellness into their daily lifestyle once they leave treatment. Whether it’s taking up yoga, exercising regularly or practicing mindful eating, our goal is to positively impact our patients’ overall health and make them aware of the very real link that exist between the brain and the rest of the body.

PHONE (800) 262-3742 We accept Medicaid insurance from Molina, Paramount, Buckeye and United. We accept Veteran insurance from Tricare, Humana and Triwest. We accept commercial insurance from Anthem, Cigna, and Aetna.