Group 600 – Life Skills
Group 603 – Taking Care of Yourself
Group 605 – Money Management
Group 610 – Communication Skills
Group 615 – Work and Recovery
Group 620 – Time Management
Group 625 – Educational & Vocational Goals
Group 630 – Resume Writing
Group 635 – Nutritional Counseling
Group 640 – Cooking Therapy
Group 645 – Legal Rights
Group 650 – Positive Thinking
Group 660 – How to Stay Positive
Group 670 – Rules for Success
Group 675 – Goal Setting in Recovery
Group 680 – Motivational Videos
Group 690 – Power of Certainty


Group 600 – Life Skills: The Life Skills group therapy session discusses life skills which help clients relearn the basic tasks that may have lost the ability to do in the wake of their addiction, giving them a better shot at a successful transition and diminishing their chance of relapse. With the help of their primary therapists and our residential staff, clients learn to live independently again through a variety of therapeutic exercises. Emphasis is placed on the pride that comes with maintaining one’s own living space, as well as on successfully interacting with others. Clients live in beautiful spaces and maintain them throughout their stay. The Palms integrates life skills therapy in an effort to reacquaint the clients with the concept of independent living.

Group 603 – Taking Care of Yourself: The Taking Care of Yourself group therapy session teaches clients to understand the importance of taking care of themselves. The session teaches clients to understand the importance of self-esteem to recovery and to identify aspects of their lives that require change. The session is done in a group setting where clients share similar experiences. Group members motivate and encourage each other to communicate about their experiences and learn to process their reaction to these experiences.

Group 605 – Money Management: The Money Management group therapy session teaches clients to identify important, practical areas in their lives that they have been neglecting. The session teaches clients to prioritize aspects of their lives. The session teaches clients to make a plan to be responsible about managing their lives and helps clients understand the importance of taking baby steps. The session is done in a group setting where clients share similar experiences. Group members motivate and encourage each other to communicate about their experiences and learn to process their reaction to these experiences.

Group 610 – Communication Skills: The Communication Skills group therapy session teaches the client that communication skills in the workplace is all about being able to convey information to people clearly and simply, in a way that means things are understood and get done. It’s about transmitting and receiving messages clearly. The clients learn the top ten communication skills that recruiters and hiring managers want to see on your resume and cover letter: (1) Listening (2) Nonverbal Communication (3) Clarity and Concision (4) Friendliness (5) Confidence (6) Empathy (7) Open-Mindedness (8) Respect (9) Feedback (10) Picking the Right Medium.

Group 615 – Work and Recovery: The Work and Recovery group therapy session teaches clients to understand how their work life affects their recovery. The session teaches clients to examine possible solutions to problems that work poses to their recovery. The session is done in a group setting where clients share similar experiences. Group members motivate and encourage each other to communicate about their experiences and learn to process their reaction to these experiences.

Group 620 – Time Management: The Time Management group therapy session teaches clients the seven tips for effectively managing their time: (1) Know your goals, (2) Prioritize wisely, (3) Just say no, (4) Plan ahead, (5) Eliminate distractions, (6) Delegate more often and (7) Take care of yourself. The session is done in a group setting where members communicate about their experiences.

Group 625 – Educational and Vocational Goals: The Educational and Vocational Goals group therapy session helps clients to identify and pursue their educational and vocational goals during sobriety. The session teaches clients to consider the different types of educational opportunities available and select one that meets their needs. It will also provide the client with tools for evaluating their interests, skills, and goals concerning employment. The session is done in a group setting.

Group 630 – Resume Writing: The Resume Writing group therapy session will teach the client how to find and secure a job, including how to prepare a cover letter and resume, and the proper way to behave during an interview. The session is done in a group setting.

Group 635 – Nutritional Counseling: The Nutritional Counseling group therapy session helps clients align their mind, body and soul. Part of reaching this balance is the development of healthy eating habits. Many clients fail to realize the profoundly important role that proper dietary habits play in the recovery process and that the chemicals found in processed foods can affect both their physical and mental well-being. Once clients start eating right, they gain more and more energy and are better able to process the symptoms that accompany withdrawal. Proper diet combined with exercise helps quicken the body’s transition back to normal health. It also helps clients gain better control of their bodies and physical appearance, providing an added benefit to those that suffer from low confidence and poor self-esteem.

Group 640 – Cooking Therapy: The Therapeutic Cooking group session at California Palms helps clients build confidence, learn new skills, sharpen their talents, cultivate healthy nutrition and gain a heightened level of independence. Therapeutic cooking not only contributes to the healing process, it also lays the foundation for healthier eating in the future. The California Palms cooking program encourages clients to use cooking as a tool for independence and personal development. Clients will be instructed in planning and preparing nutritious meals. The session assists recovering addicts in developing greater cognitive, physical and social abilities.

Group 645 – Legal Rights: The Legal Rights group therapy session teaches clients about their rights and provides answers to questions about medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction. The session is done in a group setting where clients share similar legal experiences. Group members motivate and encourage each other to communicate about their legal experiences.

Group 650 – Positive Thinking: The Positive Thinking group therapy session teaches clients eleven smart habits: (1) Find the optimistic viewpoint in a negative situation, (2) Cultivate and live in a positive environment, (3) Go slowly. Make decisions, not guesses, (4) Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill, (5) Don’t let vague fears hold you back from doing what you want, (6) Add value and positively to someone else’s life, (7) Exercise regularly and eat and sleep well, (8) Learn to take criticism in a healthy way, (9) If something still gets under your skin then know what to do, (10) Start your day in a positive way, and (11) Don’t get lost in the past. The session occurs in a group setting where clients share similar experiences about positive thinking. Group members motivate and encourage each other to communicate about their experiences in thinking positive, or negative.

Group 660 – How to Stay Positive: The How to Stay Positive group therapy session teaches clients to understand that recovery is not mainly a test of will, but of commitment and smart planning. The group session teaches clients to understand the importance of avoiding triggers and relapse situations. The group session teaches clients to assess the efficacy of their approach to recovery. The session is done in a group setting where clients share similar experiences on staying positive.

Group 670 – Rules for Success: The Rules for Success group therapy session focuses on ten rules of success from famous individuals including: Al Pacino, Barack Obama, Beyonce, Bill Gates, Bruce Lee, Christian Bale, Conor McGregor, Dalai Lama, Denzel Washington, Donald Trump, J.K. Rowling, Jennifer Lopez, Johnny Depp, Quentin Tarantino, Rihanna, Robert De Niro, Samuel L. Jackson, Snoop Dogg, Stephen Hawking, Stephen King, Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Hanks, Tony Robbins, Tupac Shakur, Warren Buffett, Wayne Dyer, and Will Smith. The session is done in a group setting where clients discuss their experiences about the video watched. Group members encourage each other to communicate about their views and learn to process their reaction to the rules of success of famous people.

Group 675 – Goal Setting in Recovery: The Goal Setting in Recovery group therapy session teaches clients about personal aspirations. Each individual will have their own ideas about what they want to achieve in life. The session covers overcoming the character flaws that made them susceptible to addiction in the first place, building emotional sobriety, rebuilding relationships, finding worthwhile things to do in life and getting back all those things that were lost to addiction. The session is done in a group setting where clients share similar experiences. Group members motivate and encourage each other to communicate about their experiences and learn to process their reaction to these experiences.

Group 680 – Motivational Videos: The Motivational Videos group therapy session teaches clients motivation through various videos including: Begin Again Motivational Video; Daily Habits of Successful People with Brian Tracy; Don’t Give up Motivational Video; Fear Motivational Video; Fear Nothing Motivational Video; Floyd Mayweather Mindset Of A Champion; I Will Motivational video; Jay Z’s Top 10 Rules For Success; Programming your mind for success; The mindful way through depression; Unwavering Focus; Why Do We Fall Motivational Video; Your Only Limit Is You. The session is done in a group setting where clients discuss their experiences about the video watched. Group members encourage each other to communicate about their views and learn to process their reaction to the rules of success of famous people.

Group 690 – Power of Certainty: The Power of Certainty group therapy session teaches the client that they can achieve whatever they desire. When they courageously conquer these enemies to success, they open the doors to high achievement with certainty and self-assuredness. The client is taught that if they want any part of your life to change a feeling of certainty must exist. Certainty assumes faith. If they are certain they can do something – they have faith that they will. The client is taught three ways to build a sense of certainty: (1) question and change existing beliefs, (2) seek out new references, and (3) be curious. The session is done in a group setting where clients share similar experiences about certainty.