Substance Abuse Prevention Program (SAPP)
For questions/concerns please call the
Substance Abuse Prevention Team (SAPT) Support Line (757) 628-4329).


Purpose of Program
The goal of the Substance Abuse Prevention Program is to provide training, education, treatment and administrative processing resources in support of Coast Guard’s policy governing substance use, abuse and chemical dependency.

Who is Eligible for this Program?
The Substance Abuse Prevention Program is a resource that is available to Active Duty Coast Guard members. Only the training aspect of the Substance Abuse Program is available to the Coast Guard Auxiliary, Reservists and civilian employees.

SAPT Roles and Responsibilities:
The Substance Abuse Prevention Program POCs:

Mr. Mattiko serves as the headquarters’ manager of the Substance Abuse Program and as a liaison to the Department of Defense and other agencies. The SAPM coordinates the development of substance abuse training and educational curricula for Coast Guard personnel. In addition, he is responsible for developing Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment policy and manages the program’s budget. Mr. Mattiko is assigned to COMDT (CG-1111) and works for the Behavioral Health Services Division in the Office of Work-Life.

b. The Substance Abuse Program Supervisor is CWO Michael Slade
Mr. Slade is currently assigned to the HSWL Service Center, Norfolk. He collaborates with the SAPM to develop, implement, and maintain training and educational requirements of substance abuse prevention program personnel, to include all Command Drug and Alcohol Representatives (CDARs). He is assisted in his duties by the Substance Abuse Preventions Team (SAPT).

c. Substance Abuse Preventions Team (SAPT)
Members of the SAPT are called Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist (SAPS). They are detached personnel located at major commands as full-time prevention facilitators. SAPS establish a network of unit Command Drug and Representatives (CDARs) and consistently provide updated and new information pertaining to CDAR issues. They also conduct and assist CDARs in developing and conducting general alcohol awareness and SAFE awareness training programs. Additional prevention and training resources can be obtained from your district SAPS. Commands are encouraged to use this invaluable resource to develop prevention techniques and strategies to lower unit alcohol risk. The Substance Abuse Prevention Team is always available to support the mission.

SAPS by location are:

HSC Joshua Garcia District 1 HSWL SC (dd) CG Academy
HSC Donald Hill District 5 HSWL SC Norfolk
HS1 Kasey Howe District 7 HSWL SC (dd) Miami
HSC Joshua Garcia District 8 HSWL SC (dd) Cape May
HS1 Shoawn Hayes District 9 HSWL SC Norfolk
HSC Eugene Porterfield District 11-N HSWL SC (dd) Petaluma
HS1 Kimberly Barrows District 11-S HSWL SC (dd) Alameda
HS1 Cade Moses District 13 HSWL SC (dd) Seattle
HS1 Emmett Blount District 14 HSWL SC (dd) Alameda
HSC Federico Sanchez District 17 HSWL SC (dd) Kodiak
Program Supervisor: CWO Michael Slade, (757) 628-4369

d. Command Drug and Alcohol Representatives (CDARs)
CDARs are responsible for serving as advisors to their parent command in the administration of the unit Substance Abuse Prevention Program under the direction of the SAPT. A CDAR’s duties are a collateral responsibility and administrative in nature. CDAR’s are not behavioral health counselors and should not be perceived or utilized in that capacity.

e. Program Confidentiality Disclaimer
Information regarding the Substance Abuse Prevention Program is not completely confidential. However, case related personal information pertaining to substance use, abuse and chemical dependency is strictly confidential and shared only on a “Need-To-Know” basis with professionals relevant to the subject matter. HIPAA restrictions shall apply.

f. Services and Resources Available
Access to resources pertaining to the Substance Abuse Program, CG policy and guidance related to substance abuse case management is available to Coast Guard Commands and unit CDARs by contacting the SAPM, SAPT members, or the Health Promotion Manager on your Regional Work-Life Staff.

CAUTION: Obtaining services/care relating to substance use, abuse and chemical dependency outside of the Coast Guard or other DoD Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs) must be pre-authorized. Members obtaining related care without pre-authorization from a TRICARE Health Care Finder or the Area Service Point of Contact (SPOC) can be held personally responsible for all costs incurred associated with obtaining said care.

Related educational and support opportunities

a. Addictions Orientation for Health Care Providers (AOHCP-1) Training
Resident training provided to health care providers (i.e. Physicians, PAs, SAPS) that teaches fundamental skills necessary for performing medical assessments pertaining to substance abuse and chemical dependency. Courses can be schedule throughout the fiscal year. To request an AOHCP-1 quota the requesting provider will need to submit a completed and endorsed Short-Term Resident Training Request (STTR), (CG-5223). Completed STTRs should be submitted to Commandant (CG-1111) to the attention of the Substance Abuse Program Manager. Annual quotas are limited and are processed on a first-come-first-she Substance Abuse Prevention Program is a resource that is available to Active Duty Coast Guard members. Only the training aspect of the Substance Abuse Program is available to the Coast Guard Auxiliary, Reservists and civilian employees.

Please Note:

Heath Care Providers who have not attended AOHCP-1 or an equivalent substance abuse and chemical dependency training course are NOT qualified for the Coast Guard’s purpose to perform substance abuse/chemical dependency assessments/evaluations.
For the purposes of AOHCP-1 training, Health Services Technicians are not considered as “Health Care Providers”.
b. CDAR Training
Resident training designed to teach designated CDARs the skills and responsibilities associated with performing their duties. CDAR courses are scheduled throughout the fiscal year by regional SAPS. Coast Guard commands requesting quotas should contact the SAPS in their districts prior to submitting a STTR.

c. Prime For Life (PFL) Training
PFL® is a motivational risk reduction program. It is used most with people who have had a legal or policy violation such as impaired driving, possession, or workplace violation, but it is relevant for everyone. PRIME for Life helps foster attitudes, beliefs, and understanding that help people reduce risk for any type of alcohol or drug problem. It also creates a unique self-assessment experience to help people be more aware of what they value, what they are risking, and how to protect the things that mean the most in their lives.

PFL is designed to:

Serve as an evidence-based prevention and intervention protocol for all-hands, Command selective/ indicated audiences, and those identified by medical providers.
Serve as an evidence-based pretreatment protocol.
Fulfill an ASAM Level 0.5 (early intervention) requirement, and serve as the educational component in any ASAM Level of Care.
Be consistent with the principles of Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavior Therapy in a therapeutic educational setting.
PFL replaces the Navy IMPACT model
Program References
The following references provide details applicable to the Substance Abuse Prevention Program:

Coast Guard Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program – COMDTINST M1000.10
Coast Guard Health Promotions Manual, Chapter 7 – COMDTINST M6200.1D
Point of Contact
If you are unable to contact a SAPT member, or you need assistance beyond the information provided here, please contact the Headquarters Substance Abuse Program Manager, Mark Mattiko at (202) 475-5148 or the SAPT Supervisor, CWO Michael Slade at (757) 628-4369.

We accept insurance from Veterans ChoiceCignaAetna, Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Humana, and Medical Mutual. Payments plans from Prosper Healthcare Lending or My Treatment Lender. Travel to/from our Location may be covered by various sources. Contact the CALIFORNIA PALMS at (800) 378-8259